Monday, June 30, 2008

micky masuk hospital!!!!!!!!.

This hasn’t been posted anywhere official yet, but over at the daum bulletin boards, Cassioppeias’ are outraged.

Micky Yoochun of DBSK was taken to the hospital on the 26th of June after vomiting after filming. He was taken to the hospital and made to rest, meanwhile cancelling all the rest of his daily schedule.It seems that the reason for his illness is overwork and not eating meals on time, or at all.It’s not clear where or how the Korean Cassioppeias got their news, they are good at finding DBSK news based on past experiences.

Wah!!!!!!.....ini mesti kes terlalu sibuk ni.Tolonglah jgn didera lagi.Kalau Drg sakit sapa yg susah?.Plz...Plz...Plz...Stop Make Them like "Robot".